Ben Olson

Director, TA,LinkedIn

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  • Breakout: Big Idea

    Reenergize your employer brand to stay relevant for today's candidate pool

    Explore strategies for revitalizing and reframing your employer brand to resonate with a diverse and multigenerational candidate pool with similarly diverse values. Competition for top talent remains intense, with most companies increasing spending on talent attraction this year in an effort to differentiate. Talent executives will share their approaches to the top branding challenges of this moment, including how to connect with Gen Z, a cohort that prioritizes working for companies that are aligned with their personal values. They'll share successful strategies for highlighting winning company culture and ensuring brand appeal across the full spectrum of candidates. Come away with tips for thinking like a marketer to create compelling employer brands that honor your company's legacy while putting forth a fresh, modern value proposition.

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    • Talent Attraction & Acquisition