
2019 Keynote

Beyond stoked: The power of living values wildly

Presenters:Dean Carter, Patagonia

“Let My People Go Surfing” has been Patagonia’s infamous mantra for decades. And while it’s great when the surf is up, Dean Carter, Patagonia’s leader of HR, Finance and Legal, takes us through the even more enduring philosophies behind their legendary, unconventional culture. For over 15 years in his role as CHRO at Fortune 100 and high-growth companies, Dean had been pushing the edge of HR with conversations around data, healthcare, and performance on outlets such as NPR and The Economist — and recognized through multiple awards for innovation. Then he arrived at Patagonia to the sound of children at play, wetsuits dripping in the sun, ridiculously low turnover, and a whole new learning of what’s possible. Dean continues to challenge and lift our work through his humbling experiences so we can all learn from this mission-driven, counterintuitive company — and ultimately wildly strengthen our own value-led culture.

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